Wednesday 24 May 2017

fish mortality management

Massive death of fish in pond causes a considerable concern for most fish farmers, followed by bad thoughts of being tricked by his or her neighbor (sense of being poisoned) or may be fish have been stolen. In turn fish farmers have been sent out of business and loss confidence due to uncontrolled mortality rate.

There are two forms of fish mortality:

A.Natural mortality

Which is influenced by factors like
  • Disease
  • Competition
  • Cannibalism
  • Old age

B. Accerelated mortality

Involve intervention of other issues out of natural condition like;
  • Handling stress
  • Transport stress
  • Rapid change of water quality
  • Poison
  • Fishing activities

Fish may die at any time in the culture period, dead fish tend to float on the surface and sometimes accumulate at the edge of the ponds.

In this chapter we shall look on possible techniques to control fish mortality. The following are possible techniques that can help a farmer to control mortality of his or her fish.

Avoid overcrowding of fish in small area for long time during transportation, measurement or rearing of fish in a small pond. Overcrowding of fish lead  oxygen depletion hence fish suffocate until they dead and also increase the chance of disease transmission.
Overcrowding of fish encourage fish mortality

Dead fish should be immediately removed from the pond and proper measure should be taken like assessment of dead fish body to see if there is any sign of disease or poison. Then after that proper disposal of dead fish like landfill or being incinerated should be taken.

Transportation of fish should be done during early morning (4.30 up to 5.00 am) or during night to avoid sunlight that may lead temperature raise hence stress fish.

-Also order should be made at least 4 days to allow preparation of fish and provide     time for fish to be conditioned.

Avoid overfeeding of fish  

-Fish should be fed according to their size, proper time, proper ration and fish response Avoid feeding of pond instead of feed fish which in turn lead to eutrophication (excess accumulation of nutrients) that cause algal bloom that depletes dissolved oxygen and secret harmful poison (cyanide)

Measurement of fish and other fish handling practices should not be done frequently, a farmer is advised at least twice in a month to handle fish in order to reduce stress to the fish which may lead to death.

*It is highly advised that all handling activities to be done during the morning

Control water run off that enter in the fish pond due to contain high amount of nutrients from septic tanks and streets in turn affect water quality.

-Fish ponds should be constructed far from households
-If possible build the ponds in a raised areas

Avoid use of expired feeds sold in the market/ due to poor stored of feed

Aflatoxin –Is a form of poisonous chemical substance produced by fungus which resides in a soil. It affects maize, millet, grains, groundnuts, sorghum and soya beans.
To avoid aflatoxin a farmer can use toxin binders in case of any doubt and also farmer can do color observation as preventive measures.

Maize affected by fungus

White materials like cotton wool in the fish feed sign of fungus

*Fish feeds should be stored in a cool dry place, should be placed above the crib to avoid direct contact with the ground.

Cribs used in carry sacks containg fish feeds 

Frequently checkup of fish pond; if there is a sign of disease or any unusual signs in and around the pond, if there are long bushes should be cutted to prevent hide site of predators and other bacteria that tend to deposit their eggs in the grass.

Water coming directly from the river, dam, lakes and stream should not allowed to enter in the fish ponds. Farmer is advised of to have reservoir ponds that receives water and also enable farmer to treat water before enter in the fish ponds.

Use of any type of chemical pesticides should be done with extreme caution around fish ponds, spray of crops should be done in a non-wind side to avoid spread of pesticide chemical to the fish ponds.

Prevent fish disease: This is enhanced by feed, water, stress level can be cured by salt solution, drugs and formalin depending on the type of infection.

For more information you can contact me through my

Email address:   or   you can leave your comment in comment box.

Mobile: 255 752 1218 67

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