Wednesday 17 May 2017

How to estimate the quantity of water required in your fish pond

Fish farming does not ending all in constructing ponds, stock fish and harvest, but there are a lot of issue and practice a farmer should continue to consider. In this chapter we shall look on how to estimate the quantity of water required in your fish ponds.

Water tend to play essential role in fish farming that includes:
  • To fill the ponds
  • Make up for the evaporation
  • Drain and refill the ponds
  • Aeration of the ponds

There are four basic source of water in aquaculture:


Pumped up underground water

Rain water

A farmer should be able to determine the quantity of water available for a given water sources  and modified it according to the needs from his or her fish ponds .

This will help in controlling water uses in his or her  farm hence prevent water losses and also conflict from community around or  water authority.

In estimate the amount of water available from given specific source, the following steps should be taken. An example is added  in order to increase farmer understanding on estimating amount of water.

Forexample: Farmer has pond of 100 m2 and with depth of 90 cm on upper side and 50 cm on lower side. He want to know amount of water available from his water source (pumped underground water) and amount of water required to fill his pond.


1. Amount of water available from the source
Take 10 L bucket or any vessel with well know volume, fill it with water at the same time note the time taken to fill that bucket.

* It took 45 sec to fill 10 L bucket
But change it into minute    (10 x 60/45) = 13.3 L/min
Therefore, the flow rate of water from the farmer source is 13.3 L/min

2. Amount of water which is required to fill the pond
Pond size = 100 m2
Depth = 50 cm and 70 cm hence average depth is 70 cm 
*If 13.3 L = 1 min how about 100 m2  ?
100 m2    x 0.7 m = 70 m 
1 m3 = 1000 L hence 70 000 L = 70 m3 
                                    13.3 L = 1 min
                                     70 000 = x
                                    X = 5263 min
Therefore, it will take 5263 min to fill a 100 m2    fish pond  and amount of water required to fill the pond is 70 000 L.

Next time, we shall look on how to select pipe that match with your pond size and calculate seepage and evaporation.

For more information you can contact me through my

Email   or   you can leave your comment in comment box.

Mobile:255 752 1218 67

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